I'm already doomed to not be able to finish posting about our trip last weekend before we leave for our trip this weekend, so I'll put Nice on hold for a day and make a digression for some breaking news.
Remember "
the car?" Here it is during my first week here, when some brand new tape was put on it after it was lying there for two weeks.

Well, I am pleased to announce that after 3 1/2 more weeks, we have a new update on "the car." No, it hasn't been towed away, like it should have been for almost two months now. But look - the hood has been opened!

Because of this monumental occasion, Fernando got the idea of crossing the street to actually take a look inside the car. This is something we just never got the idea of doing before. Doh!
Well it looks like the engine is not in good shape - otherwise whoever opened the hood up might have gotten a crew to take it away.

And what happened in here???

Pretty spooky, eh? Anyway, I'll be sure to post more updates on "the car" as the situation develops.
In other news, we finally, finally woke up just early enough to have time to stop by a bar for some cappuccino. Here they are, lined up in their artistic glory!

Normally, people sugar the heck out of their coffee here, but it seems that cappuccino might be an exception. At least when I get cappuccino from a vending machine, it is unsweetened. The richness and flavor of this drink was just as pleasing as its looks, and I'm glad that we
finally got to try it. Also, it cost only €1.20 ($1.80), which is just about as cheap as a regular coffee in the US...
I'll take the time here to put some more photos I snapped today on the way to work. Along the route to work, we walk through a pedestrian area that has a children's playground in the center. In addition to being lined with trees, it also has some really nice buildings. If they're houses, I'd sure like to live in one of these.

Whoa, the sky looks cool in that picture!
Also on the Politecnico campus is a reasonably large GM factory. It's still under construction, so I wonder what will happen to it in light of recent GM happenings...

Tomorrow, we'll get back on route with some scenes from Nice. Then we'll take a break on Saturday while I enjoy the beautiful Lake Como, and hopefully we'll get back on track again on Sunday. Aah, falling behind!
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