Sunday, December 21, 2008

So Basically...

After much pain and suffering, I've at last found a username that nobody's yet taken.  Victorious!  But now comes the tough part - making a blog that is both interesting and original.  Where do we start?

Mainly, I will be posting things that I find cool or interesting.  There is no need to bore the reader with uncool or uninteresting updates on my essentially trivial and mundane personal life, and I apologize in advance if this approach results in a flavorless, monotonous blog, but I swear that I'll try to maintain an eclectic spicegroove over here.

Anyway, the start of winter is finally official!  To ring in the new season (and the coming year), here is a pleasant little video of Borski:

One more (not Borski):


  1. Is your middle name start with a J?

    The second guy looks like he had a rough year and can't wait for the new one to come.
