Monday, August 3, 2009

Running Low...

You might be hoping to see some more cool and interesting things from Italy, but the truth is that I don't have any to write about. This isn't to say that aren't anymore cool things here, because there are actually plenty... it's just that I don't think I can write about them in a way that would be interesting enough to be appropriate for this blog.

One cool thing we ran into though is this copy of Technology Review, which is MIT's magazine. It turns out that not only do they publish in Italy and in Italian, but that in addition to having articles translated from the American publication, they also have some articles that focus more directly on Italy and Italian technology.

The headline articles:

- Will technology save the economy? Energy and computer science, to revive [economic] growth in the US
- In search of research: Six Italian scientists interview each other about the current difficulties of asserting themselves
- Dark matter: New hypotheses from the Antarctic projects about cosmic rays
- Communicating with freedom: The defense of anonymity on the Internet
- The origin of life: Synthetic biology responds to an ancient question

Hopefully I'll find something to blog about for the next few days... mostly this comes down to getting some nice new photos. But if not, I'll probably just write some kind of wrap-up to this excellent summer before going home on Sunday!

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